Timiskaming real estate

Homes and Condos in Timiskaming real estate

Last Updated on February 12, 2025

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Temiskaming Shores is a city located in northeastern Ontario. Comprising the communities of New Liskeard, Haileybury, Dymond, and North Cobalt, this thriving urban centre is home to some of the best real estate in Canada. Ideally situated on the edge of the Clay Belt, this charming city offers all the amenities of a larger town with the comfort and seclusion of a smaller community.

Temiskaming real estate is a diverse market that caters to various lifestyles and budgets. The community offers a variety of properties for sale, from commercial to single family homes. It also boasts an impressive selection of farm properties that promise a unique living or investment experience.

The thriving local economy is driven by forestry, mining and tourism. It is also supported by the presence of several regional service providers, such as banks and large retailers. The city is a major service hub for small communities in the region, and it is also home to many recreational attractions, including beautiful Chandos Lake.

Most residents in this city commute by car. It is generally easy to find a parking spot in the township. However, it may be challenging to access schools and daycares without a vehicle. Moreover, it is hard to carry out daily tasks like grocery shopping and visiting banks as a pedestrian. Hence, it is important to note that car ownership is essential in Temiskaming Shores.

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