Leeds and Grenvi real estate

Homes and Condos in Leeds and Grenvi real estate

Last Updated on September 11, 2024

Curent real estate listings and values in Leeds and Grenvi real estate, homes, condos, townhomes, semidetached, detached. Sold listings. Home and condo evaluation.

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About Leeds and Grenvi ON Canada

3Leeds and Grenvi is an Ontario county located in the Eastern subregion of Southern Ontario. It borders the Saint Lawrence River and is on the international boundary between Canada and the United States. In fact, it is situated opposite New York, in the United States. It is home to a large agricultural industry.

The region is mainly rural, although there are some industrial businesses that are thriving. One of these is the Canada Starch Company, which was established in 1858. Today, this part of the United Counties of Leeds and Grenvi is home to many industries. Here, the history of the region can be seen through the Canada Starch Company, which was one of the earliest starch factories in the world.

Past Listings

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Detached properties Stats (Sold/Leased) in leeds and grenvi

Semidetached properties Stats (Sold/Leased) in leeds and grenvi

Att/Row/Townhouse Stats (Sold/Leased) in leeds and grenvi

Condo Townhouses Stats (Sold/Leased) in leeds and grenvi

Condo properties Stats (Sold/Leased) in leeds and grenvi


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