Haldimand real estate

Homes and Condos in Haldimand real estate

Last Updated on February 15, 2025

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About Haldimand real estate Canada

Haldimand County is home to many recreational opportunities, including the Grand River, a Canadian Heritage River and the shores of Lake Erie. The region is also known for its agricultural production of grains and livestock.

It's one of the most popular rural locations to live in Ontario, thanks to its relaxing country environment and proximity to major urban centres like Hamilton, Mississauga, Toronto, Niagara Falls and St. Catharines. Haldimand's livability rating is 94/100, and the cost of living is 16% lower than the provincial average.

Whether you're looking to buy or sell a home in Haldimand, this report gives you new insights into the real estate market. It examines sales data from MLS(r) and includes info on average home price, housing inventory, and days on the market.

Buyer(s) acknowledge and agree that they rely solely on their own inspection of the property(ies), investigations and that of their advisors with regard to the condition, quality, suitability, value or fitness for any purpose of the property(ies). The properties are sold on an "as is/where is" basis and are subject to all zoning regulations and other requirements for use of the property(ies). It is Buyer(s) responsibility to satisfy themselves as to the suitability of the property(ies). Buyer(s) must sign a waiver confirming this before an offer becomes firm.

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Semidetached properties Stats (Sold/Leased) in haldimand

Att/Row/Townhouse Stats (Sold/Leased) in haldimand

Condo Townhouses Stats (Sold/Leased) in haldimand

Condo properties Stats (Sold/Leased) in haldimand


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