Essex real estate

Homes and Condos in Essex real estate

Last Updated on March 11, 2025

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About Essex real estate in Canada

The Town of Essex is a municipality in the southwestern region of Ontario, Canada. The town is located within the Windsor-Essex County area and its municipal borders extend to Lake Erie. It is home to several major communities, including Ambassador Beach, Barretville, Belcreft Beach, Gesto, Essex Centre, Harrow, Levergood Beach, McGregor, Marshfield, Oxley, Seymour Beach, and Vereker.

The economy of the Town of Essex is primarily dependent on a diverse range of sectors, including education, retail and manufacturing. Over a third of its residents hold a university degree and employment opportunities are abundant. In fact, the unemployment rate is lower than the national average.

As an important hub in southwestern Ontario, the town offers a wealth of amenities. Its proximity to many regional attractions has made it one of the most desirable places to live in the country. Its sunny summers and centralized location make it a popular choice for those looking to relocate.

In addition to its vibrant business community, the Town of Essex is also well known for its rich heritage. It is the site of the John Freeman Walls Historic Site, a monument to the 19th-century Underground Railroad. During this period, African slaves in the United States used the "railway" to escape to freedom.

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