Amberlea realestate

Homes and Condos in Amberlea

Last Updated on February 12, 2025

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Reasons To Buy Real Estate In Amberlea Pickering

Real estate in Amberlea offers residents the chance to enjoy comfortable, suburban living at an affordable price. The neighbourhood's housing options mainly consist of detached and semi-detached homes, while townhouses and apartment buildings are also available. Residents of the community have easy access to a wide range of shops and services, including a number of schools and daycares.

Moreover, Amberlea has a number of parks and recreational facilities. These include sports parks, play structures, skating facilities, and more. The neighbourhood's proximity to major roadways makes it easy for commuters to get to and from work.

If you're looking for a home in Amberlea, it is helpful to have an understanding of the local real estate market. Zolo's real estate market trends provide you with an in-depth look at current sales and listing prices, as well as average home prices for different periods of time. This will help you make a more informed decision about the best neighbourhood to purchase a home in. You can also check out the city of Pickering's trends page to see how Amberlea compares to other neighbourhoods in terms of home prices and sold price averages.

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Detached properties Stats (Sold/Leased) in Amberlea

Semidetached properties Stats (Sold/Leased) in Amberlea

Att/Row/Townhouse Stats (Sold/Leased) in Amberlea

Condo Townhouses Stats (Sold/Leased) in Amberlea

Condo properties Stats (Sold/Leased) in Amberlea


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